Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year

The year stretches ahead of me a long blank paper, waiting to be filled with adventures and misadventures alike. I know that I will blink and find the year stretched out behind me, filled with hastily and densely scribbled passages as well as elaborately written and planned out portions, hurried snapshots and painstakingly laid out portraits. But over, all the same. It is making me melancholy and blue, where I usually greet each New Year with boundless enthusiasm knowing that THIS year I will get it all right. THIS year I will be the well organized, well planned and perfect wife, mother, daughter, cousin, and friend. I usually bounce into the New Year like Tigger or a new puppy. Knocking things over and shedding hair all over the place.

     So this year I am going to try something different. Rather than trying to do better, be better, I am just going to try to slow down and cherish those close to me. To savor the moments I have with those I love and who love me.  To allow them and myself our shortcomings and failings and to love us all anyway. To embrace who we all are and revel in it rather than lament or try to change it. I am going to just enjoy being alive and surrounded by people I love.

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